Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Hormone Therapy and Optimal Physical Performance for BJJ Athletes in Jupiter, Florida at NovaGenix

Hormone Replacement Therapy Clinics in Palm Beach County Offer Athletes Help in Recovery and Building Muscle.

NovaGenix Anti Aging and Hormone Replacement Programs in Jupiter, Florida Assist Athletes in South Florida

TRT and HRT anti Aging in Jupiter at NovaGenix PRP injection and stem cells

What are Anti Aging Clinics?

     As athletes are continuing to push the limits as to what we think is physically possible, we're constantly looking for ways to evolve medicine to help benefit their performance with honest, ethical and clinically sound medicine to make male and female athletes, bigger, stronger and faster. NovaGenix Anti Aging and Hormone Therapy in Jupiter, Florida is a medical clinic that helps athletes balance their hormones and offers therapeutic TRT programs, and sports nutrition and hormone optimization for performance and health.   
     Anti Aging Clinics are popping up all over, yet are most undervalued and overlooked for their benefits to athletes who may utilize hormone replacement therapy. HRT for athletes can help optimize health to improve athletic ability and performance..We're not talking about steroids, but an actual anti-aging doctor and HRT clinic that can help test, diagnose and treat health and hormone disorders and imbalances that can improve an athletes ability to perform at their potential best. Most anti-aging centers use a variety of alternative medicine treatments which help improve health and appearance and improve health to keep people healthier for longer. 

platelet rich plasma and TRT at NovaGenix in Palm Beach in Jupiter

Testosterone replacement For Athletic Performance

As men age, their testosterone levels start to naturally decline and as a result, their athletic performance also starts to falter. That's not to say that older athletes can no longer be competitive, but obviously both male and females reach their physical peak when they're younger. The benefits that testosterone therapy has for athletes is that it helps men and even women recover faster, build muscle, burn fat and perform at a higher level. TRT is not considered a performance-enhancing dose, as therapeutic prescriptions are at most 210mg a week where performance-enhancing cycles typically start at 3X that amount. TRT has many health benefits for men which include strengthing muscle and bone and protecting the heart. TRT also helps men improve their sleep quality and this will improve mood, focus, energy levels, recovery and overall health and performance.  Its recommended that you carefully monitor your hormone levels when starting TRT so that you can keep your hormones balanced and at optimal levels in order to gain maximum benefits from testosterone therapy. A qualified and experience HRT physician will help a patient understand what's going on in their body. BE CAREFUL! There are many clinics that have inexperienced doctors and staff with limited knowledge and qualifications. Mant clinics use Physician Assistants or Nurse Practitioners instead of medical doctors. Ask who their medical director is and what experience that they actually have. Why trust your health to an individual with limited knowledge and ecperience?Ask what TYPE of doctor that you'll be seeing and what their qualifications are, as they'll be responsible for your health and wellness.

So what does Low T do in men?

  1. Decreases muscle mass
  2. Increased body fat
  3. Possibly causes depression
  4. Interferes with sleep quality
  5. Lowers bone density
  6. A decline of sex drive
  7. Increase in stress hormones like cortisol
  8. Interferes with mental acuity and focus

Anti Aging and HRT at NovaGenix TRT clinic and PRP injections

How can anti-aging clinics help pain and injuries?

PRP or platelet rich plasma and stem cell therapy can help patients with chronic pain and or acute sports injuries. Platelet Rich Plasma, an exciting branch of medicine that some clinics are starting to utilize, which can help a person/athlete to heal and recover from chronic pain and/or sports injuries involving the tendons, muscles, ligaments, cartilage, nerves, and many other body systems. PRP injections and stem cell treatments are safe, non-surgical and effective procedures that use no drugs. With Platelet Rich Plasma injections in Jupiter, Florida, the patient’s blood and specifically the platelets are the healing agents, which make it not only safer but an optimal form of healing for athletes and ordinary people as well as anyone hoping to recover faster from ailments and injuries. 

Call NovaGenix at 561-277-8260 to learn more about the BEST Anti Aging Clinic in Jupiter and Palm Beach!

Palm Beach BHRT and TRT experts and hormone therapy and anti aging


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